Chapter Text
"ED! ED, WHERE ARE YOU?!" PJ called as she ran through the corridors of the factory, a concerned expression on her face. She couldn't stop herself from thinking about all the horrible things that either Mommy, BB or any of the others could be doing to Ed. She had remembered the Prototype ordering them to grab Ed, but only Mommy and Boogie Bot had truly been affected. Still, Mommy was more than a match for the others, except maybe Bron. "Where could he be?" she asked herself before she spotted Daisy running towards her. "Daisy! Where's Ed?! If you hurt him, I'm gonna-"
"LEAVEMEALONELEAVEMEALONELEAVEMEALOOOOOONE!" Daisy screamed, tears streaming down her face as she ran past PJ.
"Daisy?" PJ muttered in confusion before she heard more footsteps approaching. She turned and smiled when she saw Ed running towards her. "Ed! Thank God, you're alive! I thought you'd be hurt-
"GLUAIS E!"Ed roared as he backhanded her to the floor, his pace not slowing at all.
"What...what happened?" PJ asked as she staggered to get onto her hands and knees, her mind still rattled from the blow. She felt her face and winced at the pain before blood started to drip from her nose. "He...He hit me." she said, images of Ed either smiling or laughing popping into her mind before she teared up. "Why?" she whimpered before she heard someone else approaching. She looked up to see Ruby, Smoke and Amber running towards her.
"PJ!" Ruby yelled as she and the other two helped the dog girl onto her feet and examined her. "You okay?"
"Ed hit me." PJ answered, her voice starting to crack.
"We can see. Which way did he and Daisy go?" Smoke asked.
"That way." PJ answered before she shook her head. "I don't get it. I thought he was a good guy."
"Don't blame Ed. Daisy set him off." Amber told her. "I wasn't there at the time, but Daisy and Ed were alone. I don't know what she said, but the others all told me Daisy was begging for forgiveness and saying she didn't mean it before Ed started chasing her."
"She must've tried to hurt Ed." PJ said as she held her bleeding nose. "What do we do?"
"You seen Ed's expression? Words alone aren't going to get through to him. We're going to have to use force." Ruby explained before they heard something being smashed, followed by Daisy's scream. "A lot of force."
Daisy was panting for air as she ran through the corridors of Playtime Co., her legs aching as she willed them to go faster.
'What's going on?! Where'd that crazy strength come from?!'she thought as she kept on running before she had to stop and catch her breath. She hunched over and grasped her knees as she sucked in lungfuls of air with each breath, sweat trickling down her yellow face.'I thought this guy was nothing but a spineless weakling! He's a monster! And that face of his...'
She bit her lip as Ed's enraged expression came to her, his pure white eyes boring deep into her as if they wanted to set her very soul on fire.
"I...I gotta...I gotta Bron." she wheezed out.
"Chan eil thu a' dol a dh'àite sam bith!"
Daisy gasped and looked back before yelping and ducked, narrowly avoiding the pipe that soared over her head and embedded itself into the wall. She looked at the pipe before turning back towards Ed, another pipe in his possession.
"A bheil thu a' smaoineachadh gun urrainn dhut tàir a dhèanamh air dùthaich mo mhàthar agus coiseachd air falbh gun sgot?!"he asked as he tightly gripped the pipe.
"N-Now hold on, Ed! I-I-I admit I said some things, b-b-but I didn't mean them!" Daisy stuttered out as she backed away from him before falling onto her butt. She then started to scoot away from him as he towered over her. "I-I-I was just angry is all! Th-The shocking reminded me too much o-o-of the scientists and-"
"Dùin do bheul agus bàsaich!"he growled as he raised the pipe over his head. Daisy screamed and held her arms up to defend herself as Ed brought the pipe down, only for it to stop just before hitting her. Both of them were stunned before they turned to see Sun had stopped the pipe.
"Stop it, Ed!" she pleaded as Smoke, Ebony, Emerald, Sapphire and Sandy all appeared and wrapped their arms around Ed, keeping him in place.
"Leig... falbh leam!"he grunted as he tried to move while Sun jerked the pipe out of his hands.
"I don't know what you said, but we can't let you hurt Daisy!" Sun told him before looking down at the flower woman. "You, get lost!"
Daisy just stared up at them before she stared at Ed, who was still being restrained by the Mini-Huggies.
"He...Hehe...hehehe!" she started to chuckle as she got to her feet, her smiling returning as she stood up. "HAHAHAHA! Stupid bastard! You should see the look on your face!"
"Daisy, knock it off." Sandy huffed as Ed continued to struggle.
"Aww. Thought you could get me, huh? WRONG?!" Daisy taunted.
"Keep that up and we'll let him go." Ruby warned.
"Fine. But first, a little payback." Daisy said as she cracked her knuckles.
"Daisy! No!" Sapphire growled. "Leave Ed alone!"
"Hey, I took a few hits from this kilt-loving jackass! I deserve to lay him out flat for-"
"Tha thu..."Ed growled, his body starting to spark and catching everyone's attention."A Ghalla bhòidheach!"
The five Mini-Huggies holding onto Ed suddenly found themselves all thrown about, with Smoke smacking into Sun and knocking her to the floor. Ed was left panting before turning a furious scowl towards Daisy, who was now trembling in terror again.
"Shit." she cursed before she noticed the pipe at her feet. She smirked as she quickly grabbed the pipe and swung at his head, nailing him in his side. "HA!" she yelled in victory before she noticed that Ed didn't even budge. The only thing he did was glare at her before he grabbed the pipe and twisted it around her arms, effectively locking them into place. "...Uh oh." she whimpered before Ed smashed his fist into her face, sending her skidding across the floor. She rolled and wobbled to her feet before taking off again, her hands still bound by pipe as Ed continued to chase her.
"So he's that good, huh?" Bron asked as she listed to the others.
"He is. And I'm not just talking on a physical level." Bunzelle answered. "When you're around him, you feel...human again. And not the ones that worked here."
"True, some of us were scared...terrified at first, but he didn't hurt any of us." Catbee spoke up, a blush on her cheeks. "Honestly, with how gentle he was, I'd doubt he'd hurt a fly."
Everyone looked to see Daisy running towards them, blood dribbling down her lips, tears in her eyes and her hands still bound by a pipe. She kept on running until she was in front of Bron.
"SAVE ME! TH...THAT GUY'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" Daisy yelled up to her friend. Bron blinked down at her in surprise before fixing an unamused look at the captives.
"Wouldn't hurt a fly, huh?" Bron repeated in a low tone.
"N-Now wait a minute! How do we know it's not a trick of hers to make you attack Ed?!" Candy Cat asked.
"She's right. Daisy could've done that to herself and simply blamed Ed." Huggy said with a suspicious look.
"You think I'd dothisto myself?!" Daisy yelled while holding up her restrained hands. "I'm telling you, that guy is a nutcase! He even attacked PJ and some of the Mini-Huggies!"
"LIES!" Bunzelle yelled, her expression distraught and furious. "I refuse to believe that Ed would do something like that!"
"If you want any of us to believe you, you're gonna have to show us some proof." Poppy spoke up.
Everyone flinched at the sound of something crashing and being broken was heard, followed by an enraged roar.
"Càit a bheil thu, DAISY?! Tha mi gu bhith a' spìonadh na peadalan dheth mus rùisg mi thu ann an leth!"came Ed's voice, making Daisy tremble and back away in terror.
"He's coming. He's coming! Hide me!" Daisy whimpered as she ducked behind Bron.
"Alright. I've seen enough." Bron said as she stood up and gazed in the direction Ed's shouting came from.
"Bron, wait!" Catbee yelled.
"I'm done waiting. Now I'm moving." Bron said before she walked away, her thunderous steps getting further and further away.
"Finally...Ed's going down." Daisy breathed with a smile.
"Daisy, you bitch!" Huggy growled. "What did you do?!"
"Me?! I didn't do anything! Ed's the one who attacked me!" Daisy said indignantly.
"Spare us the sob story. We all know that Ed's a good guy. He wouldn't be acting this way unless he was provoked." Catbee huffed. "So what did you do?!"
"I didn't do anything!" Daisy huffed before she cowered in fear when they heard Ed yell again.
"DAISY!" Bunzelle pleaded.
"Okay, fine! I...may have said a few...rotten things about Scotland." Daisy admitted.
"...Oh Daisy." Huggy whispered with frown.
"What? Something wrong?" Candy Cat asked.
"Ed's half-Scottish on his late mother's side." Bunzelle answered before glaring at the flower woman. "If you said mean things about his mother's home, it's no wonder he's going bonkers."
"Oh boohoo. I said mean things. Who cares?!" Daisy scoffed before more crashing sounds made her flinch.
"Ed does." Huggy answered before casting her gaze in the direction when more crashing sounds were heard, followed by Ed ranting and raving in his Scottish Gaelic. "You better be ready to apologize when he gets here."
"Are you blind? Have you forgotten how big Bron is? She'll squish him like a bug!" Daisy laughed.
"And you'll be left feeling like your insides are trying to claw their way out for the rest of your life." Catbee reminded her.
"...shit." Daisy cursed, knowing they were right. "Better get what I need from him first before she smashes him." she said.
"Hold on! Let us down first!" Huggy yelled.
"Why?" Daisy asked.
"We have to calm Ed down! That's why!" Bunzelle answered.
"No. You all need to stay out of my way." Daisy said with a grin before she ran off.
Bron took slow steps as she walked through Playtime Co. There weren't a lot of areas she could access due to her giant size, but she could still get around.
"Where did the sounds come from?" she asked herself as she looked around. She perked up when she heard more crashing and smiled before heading off towards another area. She stopped in front of a door large enough for her that read 'CARGO BAY 2' on it and opened it with ease. Inside was a massive warehouse that was used to receive toy parts to build the toys and ship out the finished products. She walked inside and took a look around, memories of the abadoned area coming back to her.
"So many large containers they made me move. So many times I was yelled at for taking too long or for mishandling any of them. So many workers yelling at spare them before I crushed them underfoot." she whispered to herself. She suddenly stopped and turned to see one of the containers being forced open, an angry Ed running in and throwing boxes out.
"Falbh a-mach an seo, DAISY!"she heard Ed yell as he ripped through the boxes of toys before storming back out and going to the next one.
"Hey!" Bron spoke up, making him stop and look up at her. "So you're Ed, huh? You don't look as threatening as I'd thought you would. Still, neither did the scientists without their shock weapons."
Ed stared up at her before he went back to searching the containers.
"It's rude to ignore somebody when they're talking to you." Bron huffed as Ed ripped open the container. "Huh. You're definitely stronger than the workers."
"DAISY! THIG A-MACH!"Ed yelled as he started ripping more boxes apart.
"Daisy's not in there, or in this area." Bron informed him. This made Ed stop and walk out to look up at her.
"Càit a bheil i?"he growled up at her.
"I don't know what you said, but I'm not telling you anything. Not after you hurt her." Bron answered. Ed either didn't like the answer or didn't understand as he turned and walked away, ripping a metal bar off of one of the containers along the way. "Hold it, you." Bron said as she walked over and stood before him, stopping him in his tracks. "You're not going anywhere."
"Gluais."he told her.
"Look, I know you're angry at Daisy, but I won't let you hurt her-"
"THUIRT MI GLUAIS, A NESSIE!"Ed snapped as he rammed the metal pipe into her left foot.
"YEOW!" she yelled as she jumped back on her right foot, leaving Ed to run off to look for Daisy. She grunted in pain as she reached down and removed the metal pipe like an overgrown splinter. She winced in pain before glaring at Ed's retreating form. "Okay! Now I'm mad!" she growled before she ran over and got in his way again. "Alright, you little bastard! You have two options! Come in peace, or in pieces! Your choice!"
The dinosaur woman looked up to see Blossom, Snow, Amber, Ruby, Cocoa and a Turquoise colored Mini-Huggy named, well, Turquiose running towards them before stopping between Ed and Bron.
"Don't hurt him! He's not himself!" Blossom yelled up to Bron.
"Himself or not, he's planning on hurting Daisy. And he just rammedthisinto my foot!" Bron said while showing the pipe between her thumb and forefinger.
"We don't plan to let him hurt Daisy either. Please, just calm down." Amber pleaded.
"Tell that to him." said Bron. All of them looked at Ed to see the man panting and glaring at nothing as he twitched in place.
"Daisy...Daisy..."he growled before casting his gaze at Snow when she took a step towards him.
"Easy, Ed. We're not here to hurt you. We just want you to calm down." Snow said, her hands raised to show she wasn't a threat. The man merely growled but didn't move as she got closer. "Listen, Ed. We know that Daisy said some mean things, but it's not all her fault. She's carrying around a lot of pain and she just...let it out in a bad way."
Ed just glared at them before his eyes shifted to the ground, his breathing still coming out ragged, yet even.
"That's it, Ed. Just be calm. We'll have Daisy apologize." Ruby told him with a smile.
"What exactly did Daisy say?" Bron asked.
"She insulted Ed's Scottish homeland." Turquoise answered.
"Scottish? You mean he's one of those weird men that play funny instuments and wear skirts?" the dinosaur woman asked.
"Dè thuirt thu?!"Ed hissed as he trembled with rage.
"Bron, you dolt!" Cocoa whispered as Ed bared his teeth at Bron.
"Ed, wait! She didn't mean-" Ruby got out before Ed grabbed her by the throat, making her legs kick as she tried to pull Ed's fingers off.
"Let go of her!" Snow yelled as she and the other Mini-Huggies dogpiled Ed. Sadly, that only got them close enough to use as projectiles as Ed started to throw them all at Bron.
"Hey, stop that!" Bron snapped as she caught each of her friends, who were all now held within her hands and looking dazed or scared. "You little bastard!"
"Dèan ullachadh airson a dhol à bith a-rithist!"Ed declared. Bron merely glared at him as she gently set her friends aside.
"I don't know what the others see in you, but it doesn't matter! YOU'RE TOAST!" she yelled as she lifted her foot. Ed roared as he jumped out of the way before she could stomp on him, scrambling between two containers in the process. "You can't hide from me!" she yelled as she picked up one of the containers and looked down before seeing that he was gone. "Or...maybe you can? Where'd you go?!" she asked while looking around. She looked left, then right, then left again before his fist socked her in the eye. "MY EYE!" she roared as she dropped the container and grabbed her eye while Ed jumped down to the ground and booked it again. "THAT'S IT!" Bron roared before she started to lift more cargo containers and throwing them about, with Ed running here and there to hide from her. "I'M GOING TO GRIND YOU INTO PASTE WHEN I CATCH YOU!"
"B-Bron! Stop!" Snow yelled.
"You're gonna kill him!" Amber screamed.
"Whoa! Bron's flipped!" Daisy exclaimed.
The Mini-Huggies all looked at Daisy, who was still stuck in makeshift handcuffs.
"DAISY?!" they yelled.
"Daisy?" Bron said while lifting another cargo container.
"Daisy?!"Ed grunted as he stuck his head out from some rubble. The moment their eyes locked, Daisy let out a shriek while Ed roared and charged towards her. The Mini-Huggies stood as a wall to defend her before Bron reached down and grabbed Ed.
"Gotcha!" she said with a grin as she held his squirming form. He started to scream when she applied a little pressure onto him. The Mini Huggies all started to yell before Daisy ran forward.
"Hang on a second, Bron! I hate him too, but I still need him alive!" Daisy yelled up to her friend.
"Relax. I won't kill him. I'm just gonna break his legs." Bron answered as she kept squeezing. Ed yelled again before his body started to spark, with Bron's hands trembling. "Wait. Is this the shock you guys talk about-"
The entire area erupted with light as Bron's whole body was electrified, causing her to scream in pain. It lasted for a few moments before it finally died down, leaving Bron stunned on her feet. The large woman said nothing as she slowly fell onto her back, the area shaking on impact and knocking the others off their feet.
"What...just happened?" Ruby asked.
"I think...Ed just zapped the shit out of Bron." Snow answered.
"Wait! WhereisEd?!" Turquoise asked. The others looked around before Bron's hand was forced open, allowing Ed to stand up.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Daisy exclaimed before clamping her hands over her mouth. Sadly, it was too late. Her voice caught Ed's attention, making the man glare at her. He took one step towards her, making her scream and run for her life once more. The Mini-Huggies all tried to stop Ed again, which ended with Ed either punching or kicking them all away before giving chase.
Daisy was at her wits end as she ran from Ed. Not only has he taken down Bron, but he still had the energy to chase after her.
"I gotta run...I gotta hide! But...where can I hide now?!" Daisy asked herself as she stopped at an intersection and looked around. "Uh...uhhhh...Eeny Meeny Miney-"
"Sin thu, Daisy!"
The woman didn't even turn around and bolted in a random direction, with Ed hot on her heels.
"AAAAHHHH! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY I MADE FUN OF SCOTLAND! I'M SORRY I MADE FUN OF YOUR HOME! PLEASE, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Daisy begged as she kept on running. Despite her cries, she could still hear his footsteps getting closer to her, making her pump her sore legs even harder to stay away from him. She quickly turned a corner, with Ed turning the same corner a moment later. He ran before stopping and glaring at the last six Mini-Huggies that stood between him and Daisy, who was now reston her knees and trying to catch her breath. They were comprised of Violet, a second purple one named Amethyst, a red one named Crimson, another green one named Jade, a white one named Ivory and the final one was a black one named Obsidian.
"Hold it, Ed!" Violet said as she stepped forward, ignoring the way he was growling at her. She took a step back to avoid his fist when he swung at her, making her eyes widen before narrowing at him. "Not cool, Ed!"
"Faigh a-mach às mo rathad!"he demanded before glaring at Daisy, making her curl up on herself.
"I don't know what you said, but we're not moving!" Ivory declared while Amethyst and Crimson worked together to pry the pipe off of Daisy's hands, freeing her from her restraints.
"Lus beag grod."he said as he started to step forward before something hit his back and clamped on him."Dè a tha a' tachairt?! Thoir dheth mi!"he yelled as he danced around.
"Stop fighting, Ed!" PJ yelled from where she was clinging to his back. That was enough for the others to jump in and help bring Ed to his knees. "Please, Ed! We just want you to calm down!"
"She's right, Ed. You're gonna do something you'll regret if you keep this up." said Jade.
"If you're that pissed about what Daisy said, she'll apologize!" said Obsidian. That only seemed to make him fight harder to get them off of him.
"Whatever she said, she didn't mean it!" Crimson cried out.
"She just wanted to get under you skin! Please, don't hurt her anymore!" Amethyst begged.
"Please, Ed! Hasn't she suffered enough already?!" PJ asked him. Ed kept on trying before he finally relented, his strength giving out and his breathing coming out ragged. The others all sighed in relief before Violet pulled away and approached Daisy.
"Say it." Violet told her.
"Huh?" Daisy responded, making Violet roll her eyes before gesturing at a panting Ed. Daisy looked a little apprehensive before Violet bared her teeth, making the flower flinch before sighing and slowly approached Ed. The man said nothing as he turned his pupil-less gaze up to her, a deep frown on his face.
"Ed...I'm...I'm sorry." Daisy said. "For everything. All the rotten things I said about Scotland. About how they dress. All of it. I...I didn't mean it."
Ed stared at her for a moment before his gaze fell to the grown, his breathing becoming steady.
"Dachaigh mo mhàthair ... na dèan tàir air tuilleadh."Ed said.
"What did you say?" Daisy asked.
"Tha mi ag ionndrainn mo mhàthair..."Ed slurred before his head hung low.
"Ed? You okay?" PJ asked while gently tapping his head.
"He must've passed out." said Crimson.
"Good...I didn't want to fight him." Jade sighed in relief.
"Tha an t-acras orm...màthair...tuilleadh taigeis, mas e do thoil e."he muttered.
"I really wish he'd speak English. I can't understand that Scottish stuff. It sounds really dumb-"
Everyone looked at Daisy with wide eyes as the plant woman clamped her hands over her mouth. They all glanced at Ed, who hadn't moved since he stopped resisting. When he didn't move, they all sighed.
"Guess he really did pass out." said Amethyst.
Everyone followed Obsidian's gaze to see Ed's hands gripped into shaking fists, his fingers digging in so much that they started to bleed. It was soon followed by Ed's breathing getting and more guttural by the second.
"!" PJ whispered to the plant woman. Daisy took a few steps back before she took off again just in time to avoid being hit by any of the other women after Ed flung them off with a roar of rage.
"Next time, Iwritethe apology!" Daisy said as she ran for it again, with a newly enraged Ed running after her.
"Can't Daisy ever keep her insults to herself?" Jade asked as she and the others all slowly got to their feet.
"She's always had a mouth on her, even when those bastards hurt us." Violet answered.
"When we find her, we need to tape her mouth shut." Obsidian suggested.
All of them jumped as Daisy's scream hit them.
"That's if Ed doesn't shut her up for good!" Ivory said in worry.
"Let's go!" PJ ordered as she and the others all gave chase. They ran down the corridor and turned at the corner before they all suddenly stopped. The corridor looked like a plain walled one, same as many others inside.
This one, however, was far different.
"Oh...Oh no." Crimson whimpered, her skin crawling as she looked down the empty corridor.
"Not this place...not this place..." Jade said while shaking her head, with Ivory and Obsidian holding each other and quivering in place. All of them slowly backed up and away from the sounds of Daisy's screams that came from deeper in, making them all trembled before the Mini-Huggies all booked it, leaving PJ to tremble against the wall, her tail between her legs.
"I'm sorry, Daisy!" she said, tears in her terrified eyes before she ran as well. "Hate me all you want! I won't go back there! You're on your own!"